Sunday, March 28, 2010

Legalize Marijuana?

It has been officially set. California residents will now decide on whether or not that marijuana should be legalized in the state. If this would get passed on while voting upon, it would add another $1.4 billion to the state and its revenue. California Secretary confirmed last Wednesday that they had gotten and received enough signatures in order to have AB 390, legalizing marijuana, added to the November 2nd ballot. They received over 694,000 signatures, which surpassed they required signatures by over 259,000. This idea has changed a lot from when it first came out last year around this time. This bill is regulated and taxed almost like alcohol is today. People would have to be 21 years or older, in order to possess, cultivate, or transport marijuana for proper use. Also, they could only have or produce an ounce at a time.They would also make it necessary to have these people that use it to use it in a private place. People would get into severe trouble if they have this in public, around minors, or around school grounds.
Some people are extremely upset with this being put on the upcoming ballot. Many people state that this will start up an even more disastrous problems then before and will make a worse underground economy behind all of this. They also think that they we will start to see more impaired driving, fatalities, injuries, and crashes that would be caused from the legalization of marijuana. Although these people say this, when California did a pole in April of last year, over 56% of the population said that they would support the legalization of marijuana. But in April, it went down to 44%. With this happening, it is hard to tell what is going to happen in the November vote.
I agree with some of the people that disagree with the legalizing of marijuana. I think that we will see those crashes and fatalities go up if this does happen, because more people will think that they will be able to do it a lot more. People will think that they will be able to get away with everything a lot more and I think they will start to push things farther. This will make a negative effect on not only California, but also the whole economy. If this does happen, I don't see this turning into a good thing at all.


  1. I agree with you on disagreeing with legalizing marijuana, because there will be alot of crashes happening around the world. If only 21 years of age and older are the ones that will be able to legally use marijuana then I don't see a problem with it, but marijuana shouldn't be legal at all, I don't think. Marijuana is so expensive and still people use marijuana for dumb purposes. I don't know what it is, but I think people get a kick out of using marijuana.

  2. The only way (that I can imagine, at any rate) for the legalization of marijuana to work well, would require very strict consequences for the misuse of this drug. (For example, if a driver is caught drugged behind the wheel, then he or she loses his or her license for the next couple years.) If marijuana is legalized, I would think that people might go a bit crazy at first and then the appeal would worn down--much like alcohol usually turns out.

  3. I agree with disagreeing as well. If this actually pulls through, I bet we will see a lot more fatalities, crashes, and nothing but bad things that come from this. If something is already so illegal, why make it okay? People are going to take way too much advantage on this. I hope that this doesn't work out, but if somehow, someway it does, there needs to be some extreme limits set.

  4. I agree that if marijuana is leagalized more people wil misuse this drug. I also think that if it is legal more people will turn to alternative drugs to because some people find doing something that is illegal a rush. If marijuana is legalized California wil have to inflict very strict lawa about the misuse of this drug.

  5. Well, when you talk about the impaired driving and crashes that might occur, you can not compair the imfluence of marijuana to alcohol. Marijuana is actually shown to improve the focus skills and awarness. Unlike alcohol related acidents, I believe drivers will be more cautious. When you think about it, when someone is done smoking weed, the last thing he or she wants to do is go anywhere. Most of the time they just want to relax and wait until the high is done, then move on. One way you can put it is, the more you drink, the more someone get adventurous and wants to drive fast, yell, blah blah. But the more someone burns some weed, the less they want to do. The state of California has already over 50,000 people with green cards since 2007, so why not tax the stuff and make some revenue on it durring this time of depression.

  6. Legalizing Marijuana does not seem like a good idea to me. Our country already has enough problems just trying to control the selling of cigarettes. They kill so many people, yet the government doesn't do anything about it. Sure they put and age limit on them, but if a kid wants some, they can get some. It is not that hard. I know this because many of my classmates smoked in high school, and they were only 15. I think that we should get control of tobacco products before we even think about legalizing another potentially harmful product to our nation.

  7. I have to agree with you on this topic. I do not think it is smart to legalize marijuana because, like you said, it would become more readily available and even more abused than it already is today. I think it would just end up like alcohol is today, the young kids will receive from people older than 21. So I think it would be interesting as what the punishment for buying marijuana or using marijuana underage would be.
