Saturday, March 6, 2010

Late Night Buzz

As we all know, Jay Leno made his return back to late night television not too long ago. Many were questioning Jay Leno and NBC, because they were wondering if it was the right move. With the controversy happening, many people wanted Jay Leno back. Leno had the highest ratings and eventually gave them to fellow opponent, David Letterman, once Leno went to the earlier time slot. Leno then started to become the hit theme on Ferguson, Lettermen, and other peoples hit list for jokes. The biggest joke that is talked about was said by David Letterman. He said, "Jay is like a whack-a-mole. You think you have canceled him and he pops up on another time period." Jay Leno is not very happy with his image that he had received from leaving and also from his opponents on late night tv. He says that he will be working very hard to fix and overcome this image that has got placed on him. He states that it is a good feeling to be back at home. He says that this will be a big test for him, because many of his viewers were in a schedule to watch him at 11:30 and now they may have changed their viewing and their habits. It will be a test of what I can do in order to be on top.
Many people say that all Jay Leno has to do is be funnier. Reports have stated that Jay Leno has been funnier, but he has proved that he still has it with his viewers and rankings. Over the last few weeks, Jay Leno has been doing that. Just this past Thursday, Leno blew out all of the other late shows. Leno had over 5.1 million viewers, when Letterman was only able to draw in 3.9 million. With this happening, the late-late shows have been dying slowly. Ferguson and Fallon have both slipped under the 2 million viewer range.
Is Jay Leno doing the right thing in order to get back on top? Many people see his popularity as a person, but think his comedy and jokes are old and reoccurring. If you ever watch these late shows, look forward to seeing Jay Leno on top of the charts. Just because he had left and then has come back into the late night spotlight, doesn't mean it will come automatically. Jay Leno is great at what he does and will continue to be a big hit.


  1. I think Jay Leno is doing the right thing to get to the top. I personally didn't watch much of these late night shows. I have seen it a few times but never really got into the show. I think if Leno keeps to one time at night and his ratings are good he should stay there and keep updated with his jokes then he will be fine.

  2. I too havnt watch much of these shows. It is funny to see these guys fight though. Over a time slot, c'mon. They are already making good money. I guess everyone need to have it their way in the business.

  3. I think this is a good discussion to talk about, because this story with Late Night and Jay Leno moving into Conan O'Brian spot has been talked about for quite awhile. I think that Jay does a great job at what he does. Of course theres going to be the same jokes told, but we got to look at the future and decide if he is funnier or going to be funnier. To me, Jay Leno is a good talk show host and always will be.

  4. I have watched many of these late night shows, "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" being my favorite, and have noticed that the issue with Leno still having an earlier show has caused quite a fued between the late night show hosts. I do feel that Leno should have realized that there would be some loss in fan base due to the fact that "The Late Night Show" in the midwest is proceeds the local news. Even though this may not cause his ratings to drop enough it is still a change that people would have to get use to. I honeslty do not watch as much of Leno as I use to due to the time that he is on at night. To be absolutely honest these men will never stop pocking fun at each other, so Leno should just simply get over it.
