Saturday, January 23, 2010

Student with Gun within School Area

There has been an ongoing controversy at Willows High School in Willows, California. Gary Tudesko, a 17-year-old junior was on the verge of being kicked out of school, because of having two shotguns, shells, and a hunting knife within his pickup. Gary was coming back from an early morning hunt and did not want to be late for school. By doing so, Gary parked across the street near a tennis court, which was on a public street. By doing this, he thought it was much safer than parking in the school area, because of the searches they do. Although Gary thought he was safe and was not doing anything wrong, he was. School officials found out about the weapons and immediately called in Gary. He fessed up that they were his weapons and had parked off school grounds, because of the threat from the weapons. This situation started on October 26, 2009 and finally got figured out today (January 23, 2010). Willows principal stated, "We are just trying to keep our school systems safe. We take into consideration of what can happen and how fast these things really can happen." School officials state that they decided to kick Gary out, because of this action and other actions that he been involved in before this incident. Gary stated, "I had no intention of doing anything wrong or hurting anyone. I didn't want this to escalate into something like it did. I can't take anything for granted." By having this situation appealed, Willows are forced to take all expulsion records off and pay for the Tudesko's cost for the appeal. The investigation found that Gary had no effective actions that would have done actions with these weapons. Gary's attorney stated that "Gary was in class and never possessed the weapons as a threat towards the other students. The truck was parked off of school property and was not in a general area of getting searched." The school and others feel that they have covered this issue a very high importance and feel that this issue is very important. Gary plans on being a game warden or a park ranger.
I can see where this can be a problem. Although Gary had the weapons off of school property, it still puts a thought into school officials with all of the shootings that have happened throughout the last few years. Students are becoming smarter about how to do these things and how they can get it accomplished. Although this situation was blown out of proportion, we need to have that security for our students.


  1. I would be interested to what other “actions” he had been involved in prior to this event. I do feel that the school has an obligation to protect their students, but I feel this was blown out of proportion. Since he was parked off of school grounds I am curious were they are allowed to search his vehicle. Even though I think this was blown out of proportion, it does make me happy to know that they are looking out for their students and protecting the other students in the school. I think the whole event could have been avoided or just not escalated so high if there had been more communication between the student and the administration.

  2. I agree with Stephanie on wanting to know what prior actions he had taken part in. And although it is understandable that they are just trying to keep students safe, it was definitely blown out of proportion. And I agree with the fact that the expulsions and etc. were dropped.
    I come from a small town where a lot of the guys that go hunting come to school with their weapons just like Gary. We had a simple rule in our school's handbook that if you had guns, knives, etc. in your vehicle you just had to park further away from the school, just as Gary did. There's never been an issue with this.
    I'm not saying that we should stop keeping students safe and not be on the lookout, because school shootings can happen so quickly, but there's easier ways to handle things. Gary obviously had no intentions if he parked his vehicle that far away.
    Simple communication helps in matters such as this.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree that these students need to have security. Although the boy had no intention of using the weapons, i think it is the fact that the had them in his truck and anything could have happened. Like others have stated, communication is key and maybe if he had told the administration what was going on, things would not have gone to such far measures. Recently a friend of mines brother had found a pocket knife at the school bus stop and did not think anything of it. He brought it to school not thinking, the officials found out and he was suspended for five days. They said if it had been an inch longer (4 inches), he would have been suspended for 195 days and of course he would have failed the seventh grade. I feel that the schools are taking great precaution towards the lives of the other students and it is a good thing but i feel that when the admin. has to punish the student, they should re-evaluate the situation.

  5. I agree we do need a security system for the students. I believe he had no attention of hurting anyone. I am a hunter to and I know of people that went hunting before school and didn't want to go back home to drop off there weapons. The guy parked off school property so he should be alright if he has a hunting permit for the weapons. I don't think it's right that he has to pay for the appeal. With the other actions he did before this one would really see if the kid might be a threat or not.

  6. With all the school shootings and killings that have happened in the past, school officals now days are not going to take things lightly. I can see how the school took this very seriously and they operated by the book on how to deal with the situation. School should be a place where children feel safe and comfortable. With this mistake that happend, hopfully people will become more aware and careful about their posessions. Take for example this boy was hunting like he was doing, but oh wait, he had a plane to catch instead of going to school. If he was caught with those same things in his pocket, he would have been in much more trouble. What I am trying to say is that people still ahve to take school security very seriously and not think just think a small mistake like this can go unpunished.
